How to Create an Admin Role Profile and Push to Managed Firewalls using Panorama

How to Create an Admin Role Profile and Push to Managed Firewalls using Panorama

Created On 09/26/18 13:54 PM - Last Modified 06/01/23 03:27 AM



This document describes how to create an admin role in Palo Alto Networks Panorama and push this role to managed devices. The example screenshots below represent a Panorama and devices running PAN-OS 8.0.x but also applies to previous and later versions



  1. Under Panorama > Templates, create a template group and add the desired devices.
  2. Under Device > Admin Roles, select the new template from the "Template" drop-down list and create a new admin role for the template group.
    admin role.png
  3. Click commit and select Panorama to simply save the changes to Panorama, if you want to continue preparing other configuration parts
    commit to panorama.png
  4. Hit commit again and select the Commit and Push option to choose your group and device once you are ready to save your configuration to Panorama and commit the changes to the firewalls
    commit and push.pngcommit and push template.png
  5. Once the commit is complete your admin role will exist on the device



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