Prisma Cloud Articles
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The Prisma Cloud Darwin release enables you to utilize out of the box dashboards as well as custom dashboards. With the capabilities to track and monitor your cloud security posture ranging from vulnerabilities to compliance. In this article, we will discuss the existing OOTB dashboards and the capability of creating custom dashboards in Prisma Cloud.
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This document presents a step-by-step guide for automating the deployment of Prisma Cloud Windows container defender to Google Kubernetes Engine Windows nodes. You will set up a Kubernetes cluster with a Windows node-pool and leverage the Google Cloud startup scripts on Windows VMs to install the Prisma Cloud container defenders. We will discuss installation of Prisma Cloud defender on Windows Google Kubernetes Engine clusters.
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This guide describes how to configure agentless vulnerability and compliance scanning for virtual machines in Microsoft Azure subscriptions.   This article will use a credential dedicated to the agentless scanning process.  
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This document goes over how to configure Azure RBAC providing fine-grained access to Azure Resources and visibility in Prisma Cloud.   With Azure RBAC, you can create a role definition that outlines the permissions to be applied to Prisma Cloud app registrations. This article specifically addresses the application of Azure RBAC predefined roles to manage access to Azure resources.    Azure Resources offers two authorization systems such as Azure Role Based Access Control and an access policy model.    Azure RBAC has several built-in roles you can assign to service principals and managed identities.    Azure Resources authorized by access policy model  Azure Resources authorized by Azure RBAC (Recommended Authorization)   The Prisma Cloud role created for Azure ingestion with Terraform currently utilizes the access policy module, requiring the addition of permissions one at a time. Azure recommends leveraging role-based Azure RBAC, which enables configuring permissions for Prisma Cloud using pre-defined Azure roles containing a set of permissions. With Azure RBAC, any updates to the role's permissions automatically apply without the need for manual adjustments.
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How to Disable or enable default or custom policies 
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This guide describes how to configure agentless vulnerability and compliance scanning of virtual machines in Microsoft Azure subscriptions. This example uses Prisma Cloud Enterprise Edition (PCEE, Compute SaaS) which has a different configuration process from using the same feature in the Compute Edition (Self-Hosted). Additionally, we will be onboarding and scanning a single Azure subscription.
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“Auto Create Account Groups” is a useful feature for managing a large number of GCP projects and folders.    If there are various teams creating folders and projects in your organization, it makes sense to have separate account groups for each team, and create separate alert rules based on the account groups. This will help maintain alert isolation for each team and make it manageable for taking proactive actions to mitigate those alerts.    In this article, we would like to illustrate an example using a GCP account with nested folders and projects in a GCP Organization. The name of the GCP Organization is “” 
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Prisma Cloud allows you to create policies to ensure that your Cloud Security Posture Management is in compliance with best practices and the needs of your organization.  These policies create alerts which need to be evaluated and also indicate which cloud objects need to be updated for compliance.    Managing these alerts is a task that many organizations find difficult as the number of alerts increases. Prisma Cloud allows you to define an auto-remediation to correct certain alerts.  However, oftentimes an organization requires much more customization and integration with other tools that they are using.   This article continues on from the previous article “Enhanced Alert Remediation” using XSOAR via CSPM, building on the concepts introduced in that article.     This article will dive into post-integration of Prisma Cloud alerts to Cortex XSOAR incidents (where we discussed how to integrate Prisma Cloud to Cortex XSOAR), and how playbooks can be used to not only help remediate, but create an organized flow on how these violations should be delegated.
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Prisma Cloud allows you to create policies to ensure that your Cloud Security Posture Management is in compliance with best practices and the needs of your organization.  These policies create alerts which need to be evaluated and also indicate which cloud objects need to be updated to be in compliance.    Managing these alerts is a task that many organizations find difficult as the number of alerts increases. Prisma Cloud allows you to define an auto-remediation to correct certain alerts.  However, oftentimes an organization requires much more customization and integration with other tools that they are using.    This article describes how to increase your alert automation and integrate with other tools by using a security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) platform from Palo Alto Networks.
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A common customer question is how to view host vulnerabilities in the Asset Inventory for each Cloud Service Provider. In this article, we will focus on Azure, following up with articles for GCP and AWS.     Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration tool.  Most Cloud Service Providers have a managed offering.  Azure has AKS, Google offers GKE, AWS has EKS and Red Hat offers RedHat openshift.   The container workloads for all of these managed offerings run on host machines and those machines can contain vulnerabilities.
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Identity and Access Management (IAM) refers to the processes and tools for managing user access to resources and enforcing security policies. IAM is crucial for securing the modern enterprise as it enables organizations to control who can access what resources. By enforcing strong IAM policies, companies can enforce the principle of least privilege, meaning users and resources are only granted minimum permissions necessary to perform their jobs. This minimizes the horizontal scaling of security attacks in the event of compromised credentials.    Prisma Cloud offers capabilities to embed IAM into the software delivery lifecycle. It can scan infrastructure-as-code for misconfigurations and enforce least privilege during deployment. Additionally, Prisma Cloud can monitor permissions at runtime and alert on anomalies that indicate privilege creep or excessive permissions. By leveraging the CIEM module within Prisma Cloud, organizations can confidently monitor access while minimizing risk.   This article will provide RQLs to create sample policies based on IAM requirements, as well as demonstrate how a simple IAM RQL can be continually extended to add additional IAM functionality. 
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This document provides guidance on how to configure Single Sign On (SSO) between Prisma Cloud Enterprise and Microsoft Entra ID (formally known as Azure Active Directory, or Azure AD) to use Just-in-Time (JIT) provisioning to automatically create users in Prisma Cloud based on their AD Groups assignment.
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Visibility is a crucial part of cyber-security because “if you cannot see the asset, then you cannot protect it.” Prisma Cloud Workload protection has a RADARS section which helps visualize digital assets in a cloud environment.
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A Secrets Manager is a secure and centralized tool or service used in the field of information technology and cybersecurity to store, manage, and access sensitive information, commonly referred to as "secrets". These secrets can include credentials, API keys, encryption keys, certificates, and other sensitive data that applications and services require for secure operation. Secret Manager systems can vary depending on the platform or service you use. For example: Cloud-Based: Cloud providers like AWS Secrets Manager, Google Cloud Secret Manager, and Azure Key Vault offer secret management services tailored for their respective cloud ecosystems. Containers often require sensitive information, such as passwords, SSH keys, encryption keys, and so on. Prisma Cloud integrates with many common secrets management platforms to securely distribute secrets from those stores to the containers that need them.
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Prisma Cloud collects data about cloud resources in your cloud accounts and allows extracting information about those cloud resources such that answers to common security questions can be answered, such as show me ec2 volumes that are not encrypted.   These queries are written in Resource Query Language (RQL), and can be debugged and run on the Investigate page in Prisma Cloud.
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The Prisma Cloud Runtime Security DaemonSet auto-deploy feature uses a kubeconfig file generated from a kubernetes service account with limited permissions.    Purpose If you aim to streamline the deployment of Defender DaemonSets to a cluster or lack direct kubectl access to your cluster, you can conveniently deploy Defender DaemonSets directly from the Console UI.   The Auto-Defend feature also allows you to upgrade with ease any Defender that you have deployed before, so you could easily perform the upgrade process from the Console UI or automate it by making API calls to the appropriate console endpoints.   
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Introducing infrastructure as code scanning into your GitOps flow with Prisma Cloud Code Security.
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This document showcases the process of how to deploy the Prisma Cloud Compute console in a Kubernetes cluster  on any cloud provider and use a NGINX Ingress controller as a proxy for this console. Purpose For many enterprises, moving production workloads into Kubernetes brings additional challenges and complexities around application traffic management. An Ingress controller abstracts away the complexity of Kubernetes application traffic routing and provides a bridge between Kubernetes services and external ones.  
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The Prisma Cloud product from Palo Alto Networks has a number of threat landscape views along with preventative tools to help mitigate the risks of a vulnerability, including zero-day vulnerabilities.   We will examine how Prisma Cloud can notify you of a CVE, what API calls can be used to find the resources affected by a CVE, and how to create a custom CVE to support zero-day vulnerabilities. This article will demonstrate how you as a security professional can get a better understanding around the threat landscape of your environment.  For purposes of example, we will use Log4J as our zero-day threat in this article.
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Recent Log4Shell and SpringShell vulnerabilities created havoc for many organizations struggling to discover the impacted resources. The Palo Alto Networks Prisma Cloud (CSPM and CWPP) not only can help the organizations to discover the impacted resources, but can also protect the exploit from happening.   In this article, we will walk you through how to leverage the Prisma Cloud Product in order to gain visibility of your cloud resources.
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A best practice in security is alerting on the assets that you find most critical. The concept of vulnerability and exploit defines that a vulnerability can be exploited.   
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To get the most out of your investment in Prisma™ Cloud, we need to add your cloud accounts to Prisma Cloud. This process requires that you have the correct permissions to authenticate and authorize the connection and retrieval of data.
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Many teams are relying on automation to streamline their Security Operations Center. Automation allows customers to scale their operations as their cloud presence grows and allows the data from Prisma Cloud to be integrated with a customer’s existing workflow to manage Cloud security.  This API is also used by Cortex XSOAR playbooks for alert remediation and alert report generation.
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Throughout the security lifecycle of an application or cloud environment it is important to be able to understand the tools available to each security professional. One of the best tools for any security professional to be able to use is scripting. Scripting allows one to create a program that automates an individual task and, when coupled with the Prisma Cloud Compute Workload Protection Platform (CWPP), you can effectively complete your use cases with ease. All that it takes to create a script is an understanding of the tools available to you, practice, and studying the available documentation of API calls that can interface with your scripting program.    Through the CWPP API and this article, you will be able to begin to establish a new way to be able to solve your company’s problems while enhancing your available tools in problem solving. In this article, we are utilizing a SaaS CWPP console for the examples and a text editor which can save text files for scripting along with a linux command line available in MacOS terminal or in Windows with Subsystem for Linux.    When interacting with a command line, you can type directly into the command prompt. As an example, to help those of you who have not yet worked with a Linux command line, you can navigate to different directories using the “cd” or ‘current directory’ command. You can determine the path to your current directory by typing “pwd,” or ‘print working directory’, and you can list the files in the current directory using “ls”.
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Prisma Cloud Compute Agentless scanning enables you to quickly gain comprehensive visibility into vulnerability and compliance risks without having to install an agent on each host.   Cloud environments are dynamic in nature. Prisma Cloud gives you the flexibility to choose between agentless and agent-based security. At this time, Prisma Cloud supports agentless scanning of VMs on AWS, GCP and Azure.   This article outlines the process of setting Prisma Cloud Compute Agentless to scan Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Compute Engine to discover vulnerabilities and compliances.  
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Incident response is a daily problem to solve in cybersecurity. Bad actors are constantly looking for new ways to hack into an enterprise. Due to the consequences of ill-intentioned hacking causing potential distress at a global scale, we all have a responsibility to be as prepared as possible to better protect our environments by the proactive action of incident response. Through the Cloud Workload Protection Platform (CWPP) of Prisma Cloud, there are ways to be proactive in achieving goals in incident response while creating protocols to coherently scope your applications and accounts in these environments. In this article, you will learn about the primary scoping utility that is available to you in the console through collections and approaches to optimally create scope.   When utilizing the Prisma Cloud Compute Console, a tool that can help you have the most efficient environmental setup within each cloud environment is collections. Collections allow you to be able to have the scoping that is necessary to be able to triage your incident response as well as proactively give you the capabilities that you will need to be able to report on any incident. Collections will also allow you to have an organized view into your cloud resources to be able to better help with your use cases. If your cloud environment is disorganized at the cloud service provider level, it will be a good practice to begin to organize these environments. One option is to look within the console to be able to work backwards in creating this coherency in every environment over time. Let’s begin to take a look at how collections can help you to have a better experience in utilizing cloud security technologies. 
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Many organizations have to create, read, update, and delete their cloud infrastructure. Terraform is an easy way to provision and deploy Infrastructure resources such as servers, databases, network components, etc.    By using Terraform, you no longer have to log in nor navigate and set up all your settings manually in the Prisma Cloud console. You can now just simply create a Terraform configuration and efficiently apply it directly in a command line.   In this article, we would like to illustrate how you can onboard your AWS accounts using Prisma Cloud Terraform provider.
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