Prisma Cloud Discussions
Share ideas and post questions related to Prisma Cloud — the industry's most comprehensive cloud native security platform — and the compute capabilities available within it in this forum.
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Prisma Cloud Discussions
Share ideas and post questions related to Prisma Cloud — the industry's most comprehensive cloud native security platform — and the compute capabilities available within it in this forum.
About Prisma Cloud Discussions
Share ideas and post questions related to Prisma Cloud — the industry's most comprehensive cloud native security platform — and the compute capabilities available within it in this forum.


CIEM JIT Features

Hi All,

Can I check where can I find out more details on the CIEM JIT functionality?

"Just-in-Time (JIT) Access

Provides a Zero Trust approach to permission managemen


Prisma Cloud alerts

Hello everyone!

I connected my AWS account to Prisma Cloud service and it automatically scanned it. Now I think that I could have new vulnerabilities on my account but new s3 buckets or EC2 instances don't appers automatically on my Prisma Cloud acco


RQL - Checking Tag.key's value

Working to develop a query in prisma to check for a certain tag's value being older than 365 days. I can't seem to find any documentation on this. I have this rough draft but it fails and I am not sure why:

config from cloud.resource where cloud.type


prisma cloud defender logs questions

defender.go:1677 Stats: 2023-09-14 23:48:36.754 +0000 UTC CPU="0.0 %" VMRSS="110.92 MB" Connected="true" Goroutines="27" Files="151" Procs="300"
Does this log indicate Defender's current CPU and vmrss usage? I also want to know what the num

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