CLI Command to Display OID IF-MIB::iflnDiscards Information

CLI Command to Display OID IF-MIB::iflnDiscards Information

Created On 09/25/18 17:30 PM - Last Modified 06/09/23 08:55 AM



The OID “IF-MIB::ifInDiscards” contains information about packets that are being dropped on the interface due to physical (Layer 1) errors, such as CRC, framing, and oversized packets. On the Palo Alto Networks firewall this information can be found in the output of the show system state filter sys.s1.p*.detail command, which shows all the details that are taken on the physical layer of the interface.


When running the following CLI command, the Palo Alto Networks firewall displays:

> show system state filter sys.s1.p*.detail

sys.s1.p2.detail: { 'oversize_pkts': 0x1208cc42, 'pkts1024tomax_octets': 0x5f8ec69, 'pkts128to255_octets': 0xf9e181a0, 'pkts256to511_octets': 0x5cd02c5, 'pkts512to1023_octets': 0x1a14265, 'pkts64_octets': 0x3f016, 'pkts65to127_octets':

0x88820d3, }

The counter, oversize_pkts, represents physical errors bound to interface ethernet1/2. It is written in Hex form. In this example, if the value is converted to Dec form it becomes 302566466.

If an SNMP command from a Linux machine is performed to query the IF-MID::iflnDiscards OID on the firewall, the same value as shown by the CLI output above will be received:

[root@MyUbuntu]# snmpwalk -v2c -c public .

IF-MIB::ifInDiscards.4 = Counter32: 302566466

owner: djoksimovic

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