How to Configure a WF-500 WildFire Appliance to Use a Hostname

How to Configure a WF-500 WildFire Appliance to Use a Hostname

Created On 09/25/18 17:50 PM - Last Modified 02/07/19 23:56 PM



By default, the WildFire WF-500 WildFire appliance will use the management interface IP address when creating the certificate used for the firewalls connecting to it. This can be an issue if a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) is desired instead of the IP address.



To configure the FQDN and regenerate the certificate on a WF-500 WildFire appliance, enter the following commands:

> configure

# set deviceconfig system hostname your-wf-500-hostname

# set deviceconfig system domain

# commit


Once the commit is finished, the certificate will be generated with both the FQDN specified ( and the IP address. Thus, a connection to either can be made successfully.


owner: pmak

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