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How to move or copy objects in configuration from one location ... - Knowledge Base - Palo Alto Networks

How to move or copy objects in configuration from one location to another

Created On 09/25/18 17:15 PM - Last Modified 01/30/25 00:15 AM


This article can help you:

  1. Move/copy all objects from one Device Group to another Device Group in Panorama
  2. Move/copy all objects from a Device Group to Shared or vice versa in Panorama
  3. Move/copying all objects from one Vsys to another Vsys on firewall
  4. Move/copy all objects from one Vsys to Shared
  5. Copy all objects from an external configuration to firewall configuration


  • Panorama


Before you begin:  

  • Take a backup of your configuration 
  • Set commands from the CLI can also be used to the same effect, but setting and deleting commands are a lengthy task if there are a large number of objects.
  • This method can also be modified to import specific objects into the candidate configuration. 

Test Case: Moving all address objects from a device group to shared in Panorama


  1. Save the firewall/Panorama configuration snapshot locally. Go to Device > Setup > Operations > Choose 'Save named Panorama configuration snapshot'.

    Screen Shot 2016-02-01 at 1.59.53 pm.png 


  2. Open a web session to the firewall or Panorama's API browser:  https://<hostname>/api. In the example that follows, this is the Panorama API.

    Screen Shot 2016-02-01 at 2.03.15 pm.png


  3. Use the API browser to find the xml path (XPath) of the source and target elements. In the example below, one would have selected Configuration Commands > Devices > localhost.localdomain > device-group > PA200 > address in order to view that page.


    Screen Shot 2016-02-01 at 2.05.51 pm.png

    Note that from the XPath listed above, we identify the from-xpath to be used on the CLI. 


    from-xpath = devices/entry[@name='localhost.localdomain']/device-group/entry[@name='PA200']/address

    Notice the missing /config/ in the noted value of from-xpath.


    In the example below, one would have selected Configuration Commands > shared > address in order to view that page.


    Screen Shot 2016-02-01 at 2.08.38 pm.png

    Note that from the XPath above, we identify the to-xpath to be used on the CLI.

    to-xpath = /config/shared/address

  4. Log into the CLI and go into configuration mode. Execute the following command:


    # load config partial mode merge from <Snapshot Name> from-xpath <from-xpath> to-xpath <to-xpath>




    admin@M-100-1 # load config partial mode merge from ConfigTest from-xpath devices/entry[@name='localhost.localdomain']/device-group/entry[@name='PA200']/address to-xpath /config/shared/address


    Config loaded from ConfigTest 


  5. Delete the config in the device group if required:

    Go the API browser and generate the API key:


    Screen Shot 2016-02-01 at 2.09.17 pm.png 

    Open a browser tab and delete all the addresses using the following XML API:


    This time you have to use /config/ since it's being directly deleted from the current candidate config.


    Screen Shot 2016-02-01 at 2.11.06 pm.png


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