How does the PAN Handle Packets that Arrive out of Order?

How does the PAN Handle Packets that Arrive out of Order?

Created On 09/25/18 19:22 PM - Last Modified 06/14/23 07:23 AM


  • Q: How does the PAN Handle Packets that Arrive out of Order?
    A: If packets arrive out-of-order they will be buffered to order them.
  • Q: How does the PAN handle cases in which stream-based inspection poses special difficulties.
    Example: TCP and UDP packets may arrive out of order (which is especially hard for UDP, which has no retransmissions), may be fragmented and retransmitted (even with overlapping payload), and so on.
    A: The PAN does complete IP and TCP reassembly. If the packets are fragmented, it will wait for all fragments to arrive (4 second window or else dropped). Once it's been reassembled (and inspected) then it is sent out in the order from first packet to last.

owner: panagent

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