How to Reset Unused Interfaces back to Default State

How to Reset Unused Interfaces back to Default State

Created On 09/26/18 13:55 PM - Last Modified 06/07/23 22:45 PM



From the CLI:

  1. Remove all associated profiles/zones, etc... from the applicable interfaces
  2. Login to the CLI and issue the following commands from configure mode:

    # delete network interface ethernet <option>

    # commit

  3. Changes are immediately visible when refreshing the WebUI prior to commit.
  4. A commit is required for changes to be persistent.

From the WebUI:

  1. Navigate to Network > Interfaces and highlight the interface that should be reset
  2. Use the 'Delete' option to reset the interface back to default state:
    Screen Shot 2014-11-04 at 12.29.34 PM.png

3. Commit the configuration to save the changes

owner: bryan

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