Reporting on Number of Times a URL was Visited

Reporting on Number of Times a URL was Visited

Created On 09/26/18 13:54 PM - Last Modified 07/19/22 23:11 PM


To see the number of times a URL has been accessed:

  • Create a custom report
    • From the WebGUI, go to Device > Monitor > Manage Custom Reports
  • As shown below select the URL database and in the query builder search for the link or keywords and select the columns to be displayed in the report.

Url count 3.PNG

  • Click on the Run Now at the top to generate the report as shown below:

Url count 2.PNG

The above report gives details on the source IP address, the link which was visited related to the search given in the query builder and also the repeat count of visits for a particular link.

owner: ssunku

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