URL Filtering classifying domain category as Unknown

URL Filtering classifying domain category as Unknown

Created On 09/25/18 19:52 PM - Last Modified 10/28/22 19:47 PM


URL Filtering classifying domain/URL as "unknown"


By default, any new registered domain will be categorized as "unknown" in PAN-DB.


Palo Alto Networks will review the domain.

This can be performed either manually by the analysis/threat team, or through the automated crawler.

When a domain categorized as "unknown" is seen on the Palo Alto Networks servers, it will be put into a prioritized queue for crawling and classification. Once the domain category has been determined, it will be included in the next database refresh.

Additional Information

In addition, you can submit a request for URL category change or review by navigating to the Test a Site page at https://urlfiltering.paloaltonetworks.com/query/

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