ethernet1/3 { link-speed auto; link-duplex auto; link-state auto; layer3 { mtu 1500; interface-management-profile INT_MGMT; pppoe { enable yes; authentication auto; username; password 9WPvOR67qdHIyG8MiEF0MQ==; create-default-route yes; passive } WAN-PPPOE { network { layer3 [ ethernet1/3 ]; rule2 { source [ any ]; destination [ any ]; service [ any ]; application [ any ]; action allow; source-user [ any ]; option { disable-server-response-inspection no; } negate-source no; negate-destination no; disabled no; log-start no; log-end yes; from [ LAN ]; to [ WAN-PPPOE ]; rule3 { source [ any ]; destination [ any ]; service [ any ]; application [ any ]; action allow; source-user [ any ]; option { disable-server-response-inspection no; } negate-source no; negate-destination no; disabled no; log-start no; log-end yes; from [ WAN-PPPOE ]; to [ LAN ]; } } } nat { rules { rule1 { to [ WAN-PPPOE ]; source [ any ]; destination [ any ]; service any; disabled no; from [ LAN ]; source-translation { dynamic-ip-and-port { interface-address { interface ethernet1/3; VR points to the Interface NAT Uses Dynamic Pool referencing the Interface L3 Interface configured, then enabled for PPPoE IP Address. Then add Username and Password for the connection. Advanced settings if you need them.