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Resolved! Unable to download new version

PA-440 running 10.1.13 update to 10.2.0, but when I download 10.2.0-h2  ......

admin@PA-440> request system software download version 10.2.0-h2

Download job enqueued with jobid 9

admin@PA-440> show jobs id 9

<response status="success"><result>Enqueu


Application WhiteListing

I have an application that needs whitelisting.


Actions Done:

Add to Allow List

Add to Malware Profile, under specific module that triggered alert/incident.


It is still showing up in incidents when executed. Any idea what could be going on?


AMSI Byte Array Scanning

Does anybody have a solution similar to Defender for Endpoint for using AMSI programmatically to scan incoming files? Essentially, we have a requirement to scan incoming files that are scanned prior to being sent along to their next hop. This all occ


JAEvans by L0 Member
  • 2 replies

How to download PanOS VM image

I am an individual(not business). I want to download Palo Alto VM image for lab test, may I know is this possible? If so, how could I do it? I have read some Internet post, it says I shall pay and get a "lab license"? If so, how much?


In addition,


Using dynamic names in lists in playbooks

I have a sub-playbook that checks if a list exists and if not, fetches data from an external API and saves the result to that list, the next time the playbook runs it will load it from the list rather than fetching from the external API.

I want this


User Mapping - Server Monitoring Issue

I am currently having an issue with the Server Monitoring.

When I add the DC to this section then under Type: Microsoft Active Directory I want to use the Transport Protocol WinRM-HTTPS but it is only showing WMI and is greyed out.

If I swap the type t


RFloyed by L0 Member
  • 1 replies

GlobalProtect VPN Issues

Hi. Can someone please help me? Thank you in advance.


We are currently experiencing issues with a GlobalProtect VPN setup, it is working for users located in Australia but not in the Philippines, we have set it to allow connections from the Philipp


SSL No-Decrypt issues


I'm testing on two different versions of PAN-OS (11.0 and 11.1).  There's a couple of issues I'm noticing with decryption/no-decryption.  I have a profile setup for no-decrypt in which healthcare-and-medicine is a category that isn't supposed


Resolved! Deploying XDR Agent for Mac with InTune

Hi all,


We're trying to bring our few Macs into the systems management fold, and being a Microsoft shop we want to use InTune to manage them.


Most Mac packages install files and then are configured in a separate set of commands after install. The XDR


m455954 by L0 Member
  • 12 replies

how frequently XDR will push logs to Cortex?


how frequently XDR will push logs to Cortex? We have application it will write logs 400k per sec and log rotation setup like if file size is 50 MB it will compress the file and zips it. due to this we are missing logs in cortex xdr.

can you plea


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