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Check out LIVEcommunity discussions to find answers, get support, and share knowledge related to Palo Alto Networks tools and products.

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General Topics

Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.

23904 Posts

Custom Signatures

The Custom Signatures discussion is a resource for security professionals to discuss the creation process of custom signatures in their PAN-OS appliance.

167 Posts


Have you encountered a false positive verdict for Palo Alto Networks (Known Signatures) on VirusTotal? Use this forum to submit a verdict change request. Change requests should include the File Hash, Link to VirusTotal report, current VirusTotal verdict, and description.

735 Posts

Network Security

Post questions, provide answers, share best practices, and connect with peers and experts in this area dedicated to all things Network Security.

4969 Posts

Cloud Delivered Security Services

Post questions, provide answers, share best practices, and connect with peers and experts in this area dedicated to Palo Alto Networks’ Cloud Delivered Security Services.

596 Posts

Secure Access Service Edge

Post questions, provide answers, share best practices, and connect with peers and experts in this area dedicated to Prisma Access and Prisma SD-WAN.

476 Posts

Cloud Native Application Protection

Post questions, provide answers, share best practices, and connect with peers and experts in this area dedicated to Prisma Cloud and Cloud Identity Engine discussions.

479 Posts

Security Operations

Post questions, provide answers, share best practices, and connect with peers and experts in this area dedicated to Cortex XDR, XSOAR, and Xpanse discussions.

3427 Posts

Activity in Discussions

XSOAR Prod Is Not Installing Updates From Dev

I have two xsoar tenant one is dev and other is prod. on prod i have main tenant and tms tenant. i pushed content from dev to repo and from main on prod side get the content from git. i saw push is fine and commit is succesful when push from dev side


Syedhkt by L2 Linker
  • 1 replies

Dump alert data Analysis

Does anyone know how we can and how we should analyze a dump file when we do a retrieve alert data on Cortex XDR #

I've alerts related with memory dump, normally initiator is excel, and 99% i think the cause is excel crash or file have macros/vba ins


tlmarques by L4 Transporter
  • 0 replies

Logs in Panorama

Hey guys,

We encountered an issue with log display in Panorama. Panorama only displays logs for the last day. Older logs disappear from the view. We tried the recommendations from the article here, but after the migration process was completed, every


m0tash by L1 Bithead
  • 1 replies

Disk usage alerts

I have a small doubt, always the /opt/pancfg exceeds 80% and I get a constant alert, I would like the alert not to jump at 80% but to start jumping the alert at 90% or so, is it possible to change the percentage of the alert?

Alerts for dynamic updates



I'm trying to setup alerting for multiple elements of the Palo Alto firewall, one thing I've not been able to work out is how the get alerts for when the Dynamic updates aren't working and the same with the URL DB. So I can be made aware if the


Delay in launching in-house apps

Our users have noticed there are delay in launching in-house developed apps (20+ apps) for the first time, the delay would take 10-20 seconds, once the app initally launched, the later, it would take 2-3 seconds to launch. The apps are located from s


Endpoints with Public IP

Hi All, looking for some help here on creating an XQL query to search for any endpoints that are assigned public IP addresses. I searched and didn't see anything in the Live Community that already speaks to this. 

I appreciate any support you can prov


OID for check proxy

Hi team
We need a check check for the Palo Alto Firewalls that alerts in case of not having synchronization with the Proxy.

In case of not synchronization, alerts appear and can be viewed in: Monitor > System > '(subtype eq 'url-filtering') and !(seve


Alpalo by L4 Transporter
  • 2 replies

Unauthorized - 4010402

Hi Community,

Has anyone encountered the "Unauthorized - 4010402" error when trying to log into their tenant account? I attempted to log in, but I received this message. Does anyone know what could be causing this issue or how to resolve it?

Thanks i



UDP Relay support on PANOS 11.1

Hello Experts,

Is UDP broadcast relay (not DHCP) supported by PANOS 11.1?

There is a requirement to relay these UDP traffic:

ip forward-protocol nd
ip forward-protocol udp 10001


MYazid by L0 Member
  • 0 replies