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Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
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General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.
About General Topics
Post a discussion here if you have general questions regarding configuration and troubleshooting for Palo Alto Networks products. Use this forum to collaborate with like-minded security professionals to improve your security posture.


Global Protect user private IP shows

Hi team,


One of my customer experiencing a weird issue in global protect.


When Client joins the GP he get a private IP and i can see that system logs and also in his GP Agent. When he initiates traffic i can able to see that private iP


Resolved! GlobalProtect Agent Updates?

Most of the discussions I've heard, talk about managing your deployment with something other than the firewall (so thousands of users aren't hitting the firewall during an update).  I have questions in two areas:


1-How do you handle updates when gett


Sec101 by L4 Transporter
  • 6 replies

Gp 2fa

Hi Team,


We have 2FA auth method using Radius Server for GP VPN users login.

After LDAP password authentication users receives SMS Token and when user entering the token the GP VPN again prompts for the token.
So eventually user receiving another SMS T


Many-to-Many NAT (Both Direction)

Hi Everyone, 


I am struggling to solve a problem NAT issue and need some help. I need to configure May-to-Many NAT on Palo Alto Firewall  between two data centers. I have three /25 IPv4 subnets which needs to be mapped to three /25 subnets (subnet to


rthakker by L1 Bithead
  • 8 replies

Resolved! How to transfer license to new VM

We have Palo Alto VM-100 that we are planning to transfer to our new Infrastructure.

So we want to activate license after migration.

Please advise how to transfer license to new VM during the activity.


Thanks in advance.



Resolved! is there a way to strip http:// from the output?

i set up a URL based output to feed into my lab box but it won't accept the URLs



reaper@PANgurus> request system external-list show type url name phishing phishing Total valid entries : 0 Total ignored entries : 0 Tot...

reaper by Cyber Elite
  • 2 replies

Global protect IPsec retry

Hi Community,


I am trying to figure out how the GP Ipsec connection behaves, if the IPsec fails to connect at the time of initial GP connection and the GP falls back to SSL, will GP retry IPsec after any specific interval? is this configurable ?. Als


Resolved! Device Group name change query



I want to confirm if I change the device name of existing device group in Panorama, will it create any issue in the configurations or settings.



nat64 error



I'm trying to do a NAT from ipv6 to ipv4.

On commit I have an error


"Nat64 needs an ipv4 in the rule for dest xlat"


Rule : from untrust to untrust , destination ip is ipv6 and translated address is ipv4 destination NAT



PanIst by L3 Networker
  • 3 replies

Download The Latest GlobalProtect Client?

I find not being able to download the latest client very frustrating.  I work from home several days a week and the company I work for, has just switched to globalprotect for their vpn requirements.


However on my companies client download page...



carterg by L2 Linker
  • 15 replies

DNS Resolution with global protect.

Dear All,

I am facing some issue with DNS resolution. below is the scenerio.




I have Global Protect VPN setup.
after connecting global protect, i will take RDP of some internal machine.
RDP will take by host name example:- resolved by I



Packet capture drop stage shows production traffic

I have been troubleshooting a intermittent issue where a device that sits behind my Palo Alto running is frequently losing it's connection for UDP port 2156 traffic.


Today I ran a packet capture on the PA using the "drop stage" while the con


VMware Horizon View via Load-Balancer

Hi All, First time posting here. We have a fairly large deployment of VMware Horizon View and we're recently migrated from our old firewalls (Fortigate) to Palo Alto and since then inbound connections to our View Platform at this site have stopped wo


licenses renewal

I'm in need to renew the licenses of a PA-220 LAB registered under my PA account and I need help from someone else that is not who sold this device to renew the licenses. I'm looking to buy the licenses renewal. Thanks
License PAN-PA-220-BND-LAB4-R


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