How You Can Contribute Your Own Quickplay Solution

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The usability and value of Quickplay Solutions rely in part on contributions from you, community members who have an idea, discover a need, get inspired to improve something — or all three! If you have content or ideas for content that others in the community could use as a quickplay, please let us know.


To get started, create a new discussion starting with 'Quickplay Idea:' and add your idea. Please include a description of the quickplay, along with pointers to any existing content, and describe who you think would benefit from the solution.


We'll then review your idea and any user comments to see how we can get the quickplay added to the catalog.


We’re here to help, but more often than not, we’re helping community contributors help the entire community.

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Last Updated:
‎03-01-2021 01:45 PM
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