Simplify Network Troubleshooting With Prisma SASE & ADEM

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Have you tried turning it off and on again?


I'm sure this is everyone's favorite troubleshooting advice—NOT. That being said, it's one of those inevitable "starter pack" troubleshooting questions. When you run into any connectivity or access issues, your IT team is going to (understandably) start from step one.


However, things are evolving. The hybrid work model—a flexible model allowing employees to shift easily from onsite to offsite work—has become the new standard. It comes with some challenges for organizations whose IT teams do not maintain an employee's ISP networks or personal network configuration. Enterprise IT teams usually can't see if something is wrong in those network segments they don't manage.


This limitation makes it extremely difficult for IT teams to troubleshoot and resolve connectivity or access issues for employees working remotely. That being said, the IT teams are usually the first POC in case employees run into any issue that prevents them from doing their jobs, regardless of their location.  And so the troubleshooting journey begins, bringing me back to...yes, your favorite question: Have you tried turning it off and on again?


Thankfully, Autonomous Digital Experience Management (ADEM) simplifies IT troubleshooting for the hybrid workforce, reducing the need for such basic troubleshooting.


ADEM is designed to monitor and manage the user experience. The ability to centrally implement and monitor remote access security policies and user experience for hybrid employees is a huge advantage. And thanks to ADEM's native integration with Prisma SASE, the user does not need additional agents, eliminating additional burden.


Regardless of where they are hosted or who owns the network infrastructure, ADEM monitors the experience of all applications. It monitors each user's experience as they switch from working from home, and connecting over untrusted networks to working from the office over a trusted corporate network.


Since the launch of Prisma Access 2.0, IT teams have been able to take advantage of these ADEM capabilities, enabling them to isolate and resolve issues quickly.


With ADEM now across the PRISMA SASE platform, organizations can take advantage of:

  • ADEM provides in depth visibility into SASE-based service delivery from all the hops in between the use and the application, while delivering operational simplicity.
  • Segmental insights using real and synthetic traffic. It provides clear visibility across the entire service delivery path and accelerates troubleshooting and remediation. Monitoring endpoint device data collection, synthetic testing, and real user traffic provides the most comprehensive visibility of the digital experience in one solution.
  • Solve network and security issues autonomously. Enable customers to quickly identify and automatically remedy issues before and/or when they occur. ADEM enhances your IT teams with easy-to-use visibility that uses endpoint, simulated, and real-time user traffic data to provide the most complete picture of user traffic flows.



The “corporate network” concept has greatly expanded beyond the organization's boundaries, providing more challenges for IT teams and increased opportunity for employees to become frustrated because they can’t access the applications and/or data they need. No matter where they are, employees are looking for uniformity in security and user experience as they shift from branch office, home office to other locations. At the same time, IT teams require full visibility to support the hybrid workforce, wherever they are located. The ADEM features in Prisma SASE enable both IT teams and the hybrid workforce to do their best work.


Additional information:

State Of Hybrid Workforce Security 2021 

Prisma SASE 

Autonomous Digital Experience Management

Enable hybrid workforce productivity with Digital Experience Management

Prisma Access 

Introducing Prisma Access 2.0 

Introducing Prisma Access 2.2 

What's New With Prisma SD-WAN 5.6 

Digital Experience Management (DEM): Improving the user experience for secure remote workforces (You... 


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