Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Welcome to the Palo Alto Networks VM-Series and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure page! From how to get started, find advanced architecture designs, and discover other how-to information, this is your resource for using VM-Series within an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Engage with the community and ask questions in the discussion forum below!
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Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Welcome to the Palo Alto Networks VM-Series and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure page! From how to get started, find advanced architecture designs, and discover other how-to information, this is your resource for using VM-Series within an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Engage with the community and ask questions in the discussion forum below!

How to Videos and Tutorials

VM-Series and OCI Flexible Network Load Balancer Terraform Templates - Demo

Published on Jul 8, 2021

Digital Learning Courses

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Templates, Scripts and Deployment Resources

High Availability Active/Passive - Reference Architecture

We are using hub-and-spoke architecture (often called as star topology) to achieve High Availability with Palo Alto Networks VM Sereis Firewall. This architecture has a central component (the hub) that's connected to multiple networks around it, like a spoke. We are using Palo Alto Networks VM series firewall BOYL Listing from OCI Marketplace.


Network Load Balancer Sandwich Topology - Reference Architecture

We are using hub-and-spoke architecture (often called as star topology) and flexible network load balancer with Palo Alto Networks VM Sereis Firewall. This architecture has a central component (the hub) that's connected to multiple networks around it, like a spoke. We are using Palo Alto Networks VM series firewall BOYL Listing from OCI Marketplace.



Author Topic Views Replies

Risks of the AWS PA-VM license deactivation and reactivation

Can we get anyone explained the potential issues or risks when deactivating the PA-VM in AWS and reactivating them with different auth code? Her...

1562 1

Oracle Cloud lower vCPU count

Hi all, try to figure out what will happen to my Vm-series FW in Oracle Cloud if I lower my vCpu count. Will the firewall know that the cores chang...

2582 0

Autoscaling in AWS version 3 (Gateway load balancer integration) - Decouple the Lambda scripts for autoscaling when not using the template

Hi everyone, We are looking to deploy the virtual firewalls in AWS in an autoscaling group and plan to build the AWS infrastructure (GLB, subnet...

7849 6

Routing challenges in Oracle cloud to forward traffic towards palo alto support

We are in process to setup palo alto(with HA) in Oracle cloud. Unable to route traffic towards PA VM if source subnet is in same VCN as trust Subn...

3863 1


OCI Network Firewall: A Cloud-Native NGFW Powered by Palo Alto Networks Contains an image Contains a hyperlink

08-25-2022 — Earlier this year, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), together with Palo Alto Networks, announced OCI Network Firewall. Here's how you can deploy firewall and gain protection with ease, protect against known exploits, and capitalize on native inte... — Read more

Labels: Network Security ngfw Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
7085 by in Community Blogs

LIVEcommunity's New Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Page Contains an image Contains a hyperlink

07-13-2021 — The new Oracle Cloud Infrastructure page on the LIVEcommunity is the one-stop shop for anything having to deal with OCI and VM-Series. LIVEcommunity's new OCI technology page — Read more

Labels: OCI Oracle Cloud Oracle Cloud Infrastructure VM-Series
4354 1 by in Community Blogs

How VM-Series Integrates with OCI Flexible Network Load Balancer Contains an image Contains a hyperlink

04-29-2021 — Cloud network security in OCI is now more simple and scalable than ever with the integration between VM-Series virtual firewalls and OCI Flexible Network Load Balancer. — Read more

Labels: Cloud Security Network Next-Generation Firewall ngfw OCI Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
16377 2 3 by in Community Blogs

January VM-Series and CN-Series News Contains an image Contains a hyperlink

01-26-2021 — This January edition of our monthly software firewall update includes our recent developments with VM-Series virtual firewalls and CN-Series container firewalls. — Read more

Labels: Alibaba Cloud CN-Series Oracle Cloud Infrastructure VM-Series
10478 1 by in Community Blogs

VM-Series now available on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Contains an image Contains a hyperlink

01-31-2019 — If you have databases, ERP or CRM deployed in the OCI, you may be thrilled to learn you can now also deploy VM-Series to protect both North-South and East-West! — Read more

Labels: Firewall Oracle Cloud Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
10145 3 4 by in Community Blogs


Introducing VM-Series on Oracle Cloud Marketplace Contains an image Contains a hyperlink

02-26-2020 — Palo Alto Networks is proud to announce the availability of our VM-Series virtual next-generation firewalls on Oracle Cloud Marketplace. — Read more

Labels: Events Firewall New Apps Oracle Cloud Oracle Cloud Infrastructure VM-Series
7173 by in General Articles