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no alerts no incident

Hi everyone, i have an issue. Cortex receives data from data sources (endpoints, servers etc) but i can not see alerts and incidents. My dashbord shows 0 alert and 0 incident. Who could help to me?

extracting logs for presentation

Hello Everyone, 

I have two loggers and would like to attach them to powerBI to generate report in a more friendly way. is this possible? if yes, what documentation can I used to achieve this? 

If it is not possible what  is the best way to extract l


lfolkes by L0 Member
  • 2 replies

GlobalProtect Group Mapping for Azure SAML

Hi All,



I have configured Azure with Global protect enterprise application for SAML and configured the Group claim attribute as "group ->" which as 3 usergroups Sales, IT , and Developers.


And in the Palo alto firewall (10.2.8), SAML


upgrade path



I am currently running 10.2.10-h3 and looking to go to 11.1.4-h7.

I understand I need to pre-load but not install 11.1.0 - correct?


I am also running sd_wan 3.0.3 and am contemplating going to 3.3.2.

My understanding is the upgrade path


sorting question

How do I remove the sort by ascending/descending in tabs like vulnerability protection profile and in URL categories, I recently accidentally activated these features and they are quite annoying. 


previously the Custom URL category allow/block list


Resolved! Panorama Disk

We have Panorama VM with 1tb data disk.

I am not able to add 2tb disk. Gives me an error due to this 1tb disks.

What can i do?


chens by L2 Linker
  • 2 replies

DHCP with ISP router don't work :/


just purchased a PA-3260 and trying to configure it to use DHCP with my ISP router.

The DHCP server works fine on the ISP router, tried it on my laptop.

I reset the PA-3260 than i removed the wired interface and select the first interface and set ip


Ertu57 by L0 Member
  • 1 replies

How to actually get support?

Purchased a pair of PA-1410's last month.  Within 3 days one of the power supplies was dead.  Account rep said submit a tac case, but the device isn't showing up in the portal so i'm blocked there.  Tried calling the support number which sent me here


S.Mack by L0 Member
  • 1 replies
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