Three Women Leaders in Cybersecurity: Learning Happy Hour

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This bonus episode of Learning Happy Hour features three women making a difference in cybersecurity: Our very own Ashley Richardson and Linda Moss, and Jovita Alphonse from Nike. Got questions? Get answers on LIVEcommunity.

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At Palo Alto Networks, we celebrate diversity and the contributions of women in cybersecurity. The Learning Happy Hour crew put out a bonus episode that features three powerful and dynamic women serving in cybersecurity positions.

Ashley Richardson – Technical Trainer, Palo Alto Networks
Jovita Alphonse – Director of Cyber Threat Intelligence, Nike
Linda Moss – Vice President of Global Enablement, Palo Alto Networks


Exciting topics for this bonus episode of the Learning Happy Hour include discussions about social engineering, how to play it safe on the internet, preparing for and landing roles in cybersecurity, and more. You'll be mesmerized and entertained by what these top-notch women have to say and by Mitch and Jason's great talent for getting a story you'll want to hear. You'll also want to know:


  • Who wins the game of darts between Ashley and Mitch
  • The role of social engineering in cybersecurity
  • What role Jovita performed before joining a team of cybersecurity analysts
  • What global enablement means and how it makes a difference here at Palo Alto Networks


Prepare to learn something and prepare to be impressed.


View Highlighting Women in Tech (2019) here in the LIVEcommunity or skip on over to our YouTube channel to watch it and nearly 200 more videos on topics that range from unpacking your firewall to SSL decryption and all points in between.


Check out the Learning Happy Hour playlist on our YouTube channel.


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