What’s New in Cortex XSOAR Threat Intelligence Management 3.0

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Just as the workforce at large aims to keep pace with the myriad security demands of a new, hybrid work environment, bad actors continue to work to try to exploit vulnerabilities created by this ever-changing digital world. 


Security Operations Center (SOC) teams needn’t be overwhelmed or under-resourced. Today, Palo Alto Networks announced the launch of Cortex XSOAR Threat Intelligence Management 3.0a next-level tool for fighting cybercrime. 


Cortex XSOAR Threat Intelligence Management 3.0 is a high-quality Threat Intelligence Platform that is packed with unique capabilities that will help its users harness the full power of threat intelligence prevention. Brand-new, strategic threat intelligence features included in the Threat Intelligence Management 3.0 release allow organizations to effectively and swiftly combat cybercrime. Building on the 2.0 ability to make Threat Intelligence actionable, 3.0 is now geared to take Threat Intelligence to the next level with an advanced threat intelligence management lifecycle. 


Read on to find out more about some of the valuable benefits of 3.0, or join our launch event in January (more on that below). 


Strategic Intelligence Reports

Threat intel reports can now be shared, customized, and exported with Threat Intelligence Management 3.0. Users can determine the report type, category, and display, allowing for a more versatile and accessible report depending on the industry and company. This flexibility accommodates anything from a high-level report for executives to a detailed tactical report for the SOC and other security stakeholders.


Most Powerful Threat Data from Unit 42

Cortex XSOAR’s “Full View” option now details threat intel data all in one place, including fully integrated threat data, malware analysis repositories, and additional details compared to its predecessor. This new feature gives you the capability to understand which malware families, campaigns, and methods are related to your security incidents, based on the unprecedented ability to track new threats from more than 30 billion samples collected and analyzed by Palo Alto Networks’ world-renowned threat researcher group, Unit 42.


Find out more via Palo Alto Networks’ Threat Intelligence Management site, including strategies, best practices, and analysis of 3.0 from cybersecurity and threat intelligence experts.  


Upcoming Event: Expert Webinar—Threat Intelligence Management, Elevated—With Kevin Mitnick




Register now for the Threat Intelligence Management, Elevated webinar to hear from the world’s most famous hacker, Kevin Mitnick, and guest speaker Joseph Blankesnhip reveal what’s next in Cortex XSOAR Threat Intelligence Management.


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