Configuring Nodes

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The set of config parameters supported by a node depends on the node class. Node configs are stored inside prototypes.


Base class

All nodes support these parameters.



infilters: inbound filter set. Filters to apply to received indicators.
outfilters: outbound filter set. Filters to apply to transmitted indicators.


Filter set

Each filter set is a list of filters. Filters are checked from top to bottom, the first matching filter is applied and following filters are not checked. Default action is accept. Each filter is a dictionary with 3 keys:


name: name of the filter.
conditions: list of boolean expressions to match on the indicator and indicator value.
actions: list of actions to apply to the indicator. Currently the only supported actions are accept and drop


In addition to the atttributes in the indicator value, filters can match on 3 special attributes:

__indicator: the indicator itself.
__method: the method of the message, update or withdraw.
__origin: the name of the node who sent the indicator.



A condition in the filter is a boolean expression composed by: a JMESPath expression, an operator (<, <=, ==, >=, >, !=) and a value.



Example config in YAML:

    - name: accept withdraws
        - __method == 'withdraw'
        - accept
    - name: accept URL
        - type == 'URL'
        - accept
    - name: drop all
        - drop
    - name: accept all (default)
        - accept


Base poller class

In addition to Base class config parameters, the base poller class supports the following parameters.


Config parameters

source_name: name of the source. This is added to the sources attribute of the generated indicators. Default: name of the node.
attributes: dictionary of attributes for the generated indicators. This dictionary is used as template for the value of the generated indicators. Default: empty
interval: polling interval in seconds. Default: 3600.
num_retries: how many times the miner should try to reach the source in case of failure. If this number is exceeded, the miner waits until the next polling time to try again. Default: 2
age_out: age out policies to apply to the indicators. Default: age out check interval 3600 seconds, sudden death enabled, default age out interval 30 days.


Age out policy

Age out policy is described by a dictionary with at least 3 keys:


interval: number of seconds between successive age out checks.
sudden_death: boolean, if true indicators are immediately aged out when they disappear from the feed.
default: age out interval. After this interval an indicator is aged out even if it is still present in the feed. If null, no age out interval is applied.


Additional keys can be used to specify age out interval per indicator type.


Age out interval

Age out intervals have the following format:

<base attribute>+<interval>

base attribute can be last_seen, if the age out interval should be calculated based on the last time the indicator was found in the feed, or first_seen, if instead the age out interval should be based on the time the indicator was first seen in the feed. If not specified first_seen is used.

interval is the length of the interval expressed in seconds. Suffixes d, h and m can be used to specify days, hours or minutes.



Example config in YAML for a feed where indicators should be aged out only when they are removed from the feed:


source_name: example.persistent_feed
interval: 600
    default: null
    sudden_death: true
    interval: 300
    type: IPv4
    confidence: 100
    share_level: green
    direction: inbound


Example config in YAML for a feed where indicators are aged out when they disappear from the feed and 30 days after they have seen for the first time in the feed:


source_name: example.long_running_feed
interval: 3600
    default: first_seen+30d
    sudden_death: true
    interval: 1800
    type: URL
    confidence: 50
    share_level: green


Example config in YAML for a feed where indicators are aged 30 days after they have seen for the last time in the feed:


source_name: example.delta_feed
interval: 3600
    default: last_seen+30d
    sudden_death: false
    interval: 1800
    type: URL
    confidence: 50
    share_level: green


minemeld.ft.http.HttpFT class

In addition to Base poller class config parameters, the HttpFT class supports the following parameters:



url: URL of the feed.
polling_timeout: timeout of the polling request in seconds. Default: 20
verify_cert: boolean, if true feed HTTPS server certificate is verified. Default: true
ignore_regex: Python regular expression for lines that should be ignored. Default: null
indicator: an extraction dictionary to extract the indicator from the line. If null, the text until the first whitespace or newline character is used as indicator. Default: null
fields: a dicionary of extraction dictionaries to extract additional attributes from each line. Default: {}


Extraction dictionary

Extraction dictionaries contain the following keys:


regex: Python regular expression for searching the text.
transform: template to generate the final value from the result of the regular expression. Default: the entire match of the regex is used as extracted value.


See Python re module for details about Python regular expressions and templates.



Example config in YAML where extraction dictionaries are used to extract the indicator and additional fields:

ignore_regex: "[#S].*"
    regex: '^([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})\t([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})'
    transform: '\1-\2'
        regex: '^.*\t.*\t[0-9]+\t([0-9]+)'
        transform: '\1'
        regex: '^.*\t.*\t[0-9]+\t[0-9]+\t([^\t]+)'
        transform: '\1'
        regex: '^.*\t.*\t[0-9]+\t[0-9]+\t[^\t]+\t([A-Z]+)'
        transform: '\1'
        regex: '^.*\t.*\t[0-9]+\t[0-9]+\t[^\t]+\t[A-Z]+\t(\S+)'
        transform: '\1'


Example config in YAML where the text in each line until the first whitespace is used as indicator:

ignore_regex: '^#'


For a complete config example check dshield.block prototype.


minemeld.ft.csv.CSVFT class

In addition to Base poller class config parameters, the CSVFT class supports the following parameters:



url: URL of the feed.
polling_timeout: timeout of the polling request in seconds. Default: 20
verify_cert: boolean, if true feed HTTPS server certificate is verified. Default: true
ignore_regex: Python regular expression for lines that should be ignored. Default: null
fieldnames: list of field names in the file. If null the values in the first row of the file are used as names. Default:null
delimiter: see csv Python module. Default: ,
doublequote: see csv Python module. Default: true
escapechar: see csv Python module. Default: null
quotechar: see csv Python module. Default: "
skipinitialspace: see csv Python module. Default: false



Example config in YAML:

ignore_regex: '^#'
    - indicator
    - port
    - sslblabusech_type


For a complete config example check sslabusech.ipblacklist prototype.


minemeld.ft.json.SimpleJSON class

In addition to Base poller class config parameters, the SimpleJSON class support the following parameters:



url: URL of the feed.
polling_timeout: timeout of the polling request in seconds. Default: 20
verify_cert: boolean, if true feed HTTPS server certificate is verified. Default: true
extractor: JMESPath expression for extracting the indicators from the JSON document. Default: @
indicator: the JSON attribute to use as indicator. Default: indicator
fields: list of JSON attributes to include in the indicator value. If null no additional attributes are extracted. Default: null
prefix: prefix to add to field names. Default: json



Example config in YAML:

extractor: "prefixes[?service=='AMAZON']"
prefix: aws
indicator: ip_prefix
    - region
    - service


For a complete config example check aws.AMAZON prototype.

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L0 Member



When extraction JSON fields, is it possible to realize a conversion ?

in my case, I have a field "last_contact" : "2017-10-19T07:59:11Z" and I would like to set the aged_out based on this value like:

    default: myPrefix_last_contact+5d


But to realize this, I understood that myPrefix_last_contact must be Timestamp in milliseconds.


So how can I convert this "2017-10-19T07:59:11Z" ? in the JSON field declaration ? or in the age_out default ?



L5 Sessionator

@GVN2022 Could you, please, share a anonymized JSON record example from your feed?

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‎05-22-2020 08:34 AM
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