PSIRT Articles
The latest news from the Product Security Incident Response Team at Palo Alto Networks.
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About PSIRT Articles
Here you will find PSIRT-related information and happenings, as well as security advisories published by Palo Alto Networks' Product Security Incident Response Team.
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With the release of PAN-OS 9.0.1 Palo Alto Networks has a new Security Advisory.  Please see for details.
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With the release of PAN-OS 7.1.21, Palo Alto Networks has updated a Security Advisory.   Please see for details.
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Palo Alto Networks has published three new Security Advisories.  Please see for details about the following: Information Disclosure in PAN-OS Management API Usage Command Injection in PAN-OS Privilege Escalation in PAN-OS
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Palo Alto Networks has published a new informational Security Advisory.  Please see for details.
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With the release of PAN-OS 7.1.23 Palo Alto Networks has two new  Security Advisories.  Please see for details.
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With the release of PAN-OS 8.1.6 Palo Alto Networks has two new  Security Advisories.  Please see for details.
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Palo Alto Networks has published a new Security Advisory.  Please see for details.
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Palo Alto Networks has published 3 new Security Advisories. This includes information about TCP SACK Panic Findings in PAN-OS.    Please see for details.
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With the release of PAN-OS 7.1.20 Palo Alto Networks has published new Security Advisories.  Please see for details.
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Meltdown and Spectre [1] affect modern CPU architectures (CVE-2017-5715, CVE-2017-5753, and CVE-2017-5754). Our preliminary findings conclude that these vulnerabilities pose limited risk to Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS devices.
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