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L2 Linker



I'm trying to seach for an IP address with panos_object, I remember it was working, but for some reason it doesn't now.

I'm using Role and ansible 2.4.3 with python 3.6.4, PA 8.0.8.

Tested with ansible 2.5.0rc1 without role - same


- name: PaloAlto Object check
ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}'
username: '{{ username }}'
password: '{{ password }}'
address: ''
operation: 'find'

when I run that I get:     "msg": "No object type defined!" with failed.


adress is present in objects, tripple checked.


Looks like something missing in the module, can't find referrence to value of the objectadress which should be IP.


P.S. objectname lookup works perfect.

Who Me Too'd this topic