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XQL query custom variable


I am creating a custom query where I will need to re-use certain fields.


Ex.: I want to search for:

-action_local_ip and action_remote_ip

-action_file_sha256 and action_module_sha256

-dst_agent_hostname, dst_action_external_hostname and http_server


I think I already saw a way to do this using a user-defined variable, but I cannot find the information on how to do this.


Something like:

dataset = xdr_data


|filter action_local_ip = $QueryIP or action_remote_ip = $QueryIP


Can someone help? Is that even possible?


Also, taking this question to the next level: Can my variable be an array?!

$QueryIP="", "", ""

|filter action_local_ip in ($QueryIP) or action_remote_ip in ($QueryIP)






Cortex XDR 

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