Directly editing the XML is probably not the first thing you want to try, unless you are comfortable with the structure and nature fo the XML document that is the PAN-OS configuration.
I suggest you load this into the expedition tool. Use the tool to re-map your interfaces. generate the output, import, then load the file.
Remember that when you load the file from the operational dialog you are loading it into the candidate configuration. Once loaded you will still have access and the ability to change the configuration. So at this point update the management IP and any other conflicting configuration that you are concerned about.
Then run your commit and work through any issues.
Directly editing the XML should be the last gasp attempt, it is easy to invalidate the configuration and get errors when you load the modified configuration.
You can also get errors when you attempt to commit that cannot be seen or resolved through the GUI or CLI. Those ones are particularly entertaining, as you need to go back in, try to find the issue correct it... You get the idea, the short story here is to avoid directly editing the XML configuration.
I'm not saying that you can't only that it is not for the faint of heart.
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