Done a migration from 3020 to 3410.
But no HA, no Panorama.
Interfaces where no problems between 3020 and 3410. I do not know the 3050, so please check before if interfacec match concerning numbering and type.
Bring the 3050 to the latest OS.
Export the config and export the device state.
Prepare the 3410, upgrade OS, upload apps update, etc. but do not put it in production environment.
Import the device state from 3050 (so all certs are also imported which are not part of the config).
Check config, name, mgmt IP,...
I had to correct some issues in the config directly in the xml but this was no big deal.
After device state import i got a commit error
Validation Error:
log-settings -> correlation unexpected here
log-settings is invalid
shared is invalid
Exported the running config, deleted something from correlation logs in the xml, imported the xml and then commit worked.
Biggest issue i had after putting it in production: Encryption worked but after some days any traffic went down and 3410 neede to be restarted. Thena same error after about 5-7 days.
It' s a known issue in 10.2.3 PAN-206005 when in decryption strip ALPN is not selected. Also have some trouble with daily PDF reports. TAC says it will be fixed in 10.2.4.
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