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October VM-Series and CN-Series Updates

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This month’s VM-Series and CN-Series firewalls update is full of useful information about optimizing our virtual and container firewalls across a range of environments so that you can secure data, workloads, and applications wherever they reside. We start this edition with a must-see in-depth video demo explaining how to use a VM-Series firewall. After viewing the demo, be sure to read about our 30-day free trial of VM-Series firewalls, lots of news about boosting Amazon Web Services (AWS) security, the latest CN-Series Rancher qualification, and more.


See the VM-Series Firewall in Action: A Walk-Through Demo


Find out how to use our VM-Series firewall—the industry’s leading virtual firewall. This in-depth video shows how to use a VM-Series firewall to inspect all traffic entering the cloud, leaving the cloud, and moving within the cloud. You’ll discover how to get visibility into network and application activity, how to build and optimize policy to prevent known and unknown threats, and how to automate security workflows in a range of environments. Watch the video below for more information. 




Reminder: Try a VM-Series Firewall Free for 30 days in ESXi and KVM Environments


Now that you’ve seen it in action, try it! We announced this last month and are including it again in this edition of the update because it’s really great news. We’re offering a 30-day free trial to test a VM-Series virtual firewall for VMware ESXi and Linux KVM environments. Try it out in these environments in the same way that customers use the VM-Series firewall in a public cloud marketplace.


Push Virtual Machine Attributes to Firewalls in AWS Without Breaking a Sweat


It’s a single feature but an important one for saving valuable time and effort. The Panorama plugin for AWS version 3.0.1 now provides a command line interface (CLI) to set, show, and clear AWS regions during identity and access management (IAM) role validation as well as during bug fixes. Get further details in the Panorama Plugin for AWS 3.0.1 release notes.


Deploy a CN-Series Firewall with Rancher Orchestration


You can now deploy the CN-Series container firewall as a Kubernetes service using version 10.1 of our PAN-OS software and the open-source Rancher container orchestration platform. All you need is the details, such as component requirements, and the step-by-step guide in this deployment series documentation on Deploy the CN-Series Firewall with Rancher Orchestration.


Get Helm Chart Support for Multus on EKS


Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) now supports the Multus Container Networking Interface (CNI) plugin. You can find the community-supported Helm GitHub repository, which contains charts and templates for deploying the Palo Alto Networks CN-Series containerized firewall using the Helm Package Manager for Kubernetes. Plus, find what you’ll need for securing pods that are running in EKS clusters via this doc: Deploying CN-Series Firewalls with Helm Charts and Templates.


ICYMI: September VM-Series and CN-Series Updates


If you missed our September VM-Series and CN-Series Updates, you can still read it to find out how Palo Alto Networks optimized VM-Series firewalls for NUMA and for Azure Stack, expanded the number of environments that CN-Series container firewalls support, and now ensure that CN-Series firewalls secure Amazon EKS on Outposts.


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