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object address when Importing Check Point Config to Expedition

L1 Bithead



I have Problem when trying to import the checkpoint config to expedition,

The checkpoint version is R75.45, I have 2 files config from checkpoint,

- objects_5_0.C

- rulebases_5_0.fws

I have tried to convert the .fws file to .W based on Checkpoint different soure files format

The import process is success, but all of the address object is and no address-group is detected

I'm not really sure where did i go wrong. is it because i lack of file or my conversion from .fws to .W is not right


I am quite new with checkpoint, i cant find object address in my objects_5_0.c, i can only find service there

where is CP save the object address? 

and anyone can explain how to convert .fws to .W and give example?



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