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Whats PAN's future for TLS decrypt with many sites now moving to Diffie-Hellman based ciphers ONLY?

L2 Linker

Does PAN have any plan for better managing the current state of TLS decryption now that Diffie-Hellman based ciphers are becoming the default standard?


PAN currently only supports the below ciphers, and when presented with a website that ONLY supports DH ciphers it appears to just reset the connection instead of failing open. Manually whitelisting/ excluding sites which only support DH ciphers these days is starting to become a too labour intensive manual process..



Does PAN have any plan to better manage this? 

Shouldn't "active" forward proxies be able to to support DH from proxy to website?

Or should we just consider this the death throes of PAN's gateway decryption/ visibilty functionality?

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