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Bind multiple VPNs to a single tunnel interface?

L0 Member

greetings all,

I come from a ScreenOS background, and in their world, you can terminate multiple route-based VPNs onto a single logical tunnel interface.

We have 30-40 remote sites with VPN tunnels back to HQ, which will soon be a new PAN firewall.  In our lab I have tried to configure multiple IPSec VPNs terminating onto the same tunnel interface and I get the following error:

Tunnel interface tunnel.1 multiple binding with different IKE gateways.

This leads me to believe I will have to create a tunnel interface per each remote site -- is this the case?  or is there a configuration setting I am missing that will allow this configuration?

If it is the case, i'm a little worried about having to run a routing protocol on each and every one of those interfaces (we need to dynamically learn routes from the remote sites in our scenario)



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