We have a user id mapping coming initially as useraname@company.com as we are moving away to a different authentication, the username is coming as company\username and we were inserting default domain as the domain of the company.
we were getting user-id mapping as company\username as per initially and now we are company\company which is breaking the user-id authentication it should be like company\username
We are doing this integration using cisco ISE.
we have a default domain entered as domain in the configuration.
(?<=UserName=)[\w\.-]+ (?<=UserName=)(?!([[:xdigit:]]{2}[:-]){5}[[:xdigit:]]{2})(.*?)(?=@|,)
and default domain entered as <company>
if i create a new syslog filter as bellow
\(?<=UserName=)[\w\.-]+ \(?<=UserName=)(?!([[:xdigit:]]{2}[:-]){5}[[:xdigit:]]{2})(.*?)(?=@|,)
and leave the default domain as <company> will this work?
So we will have be having 4 filtering trying to pick up the username.
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