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Automation/API Discussions

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About Automation/API Discussions

Threads in this discussion area are now read-only. If you have a question about Automation/API products please visit our product discussions.


Resolved! Client want to reset vpn tunnel though API tools

Hi Guys,


We have site to site vpn tunnel to client . Now client have tools that can call api from our side that can see vpn tunnel is down or not and reset it. But how we can give access to api to only specifi vpn tunnel to reset like ( clear & test


NavidAlam by L3 Networker
  • 3 replies

Resolved! ansible-galaxy ssl issue "certificate verify failed"


Trying to install "ansible-galaxy collection install paloaltonetworks.panos" and getting the error below, anyone ran into this issue, if so can you please provide steps to fix this issue?

Many thanks



ansible-galaxy collection install paloaltone


cziaeian by L1 Bithead
  • 1 replies

Resolved! Ansible and set commands

new to ansible - that being said I wanted to ask has anyone used example playbooks in ansible-galaxy to do config changes to 20 or 100 + plus devices?  In the past, I have used a custom python script that works well it allows me to manually add the c


Porfirio by L1 Bithead
  • 2 replies

panos_security_rule - unsupported params

trying to add description field to my security rules over multiple vsys's.


using the panos_security_rule and setting the vsys flag I get unsupported params.


msg": "Unsupported parameters for (panos_security_rule) module: disabled, log_setting, vsys S


Cisco Anyconnect Regex for User-ID

We're using Cisco Anyconnect version 3.1 and are having issues using the syslog user-id receiver in panos 6.1.3. The default syslog profile for cisco anyconnect 1.0 and the regex entriy doesn't correctly interpet the correct user id dhcp assigned IP


Automate Panorama 10.0 bootstrap process

Hi there,


I'm wondering if I can use the VM-Series Firewall Bootstrap Workflow for bootstrapping a Panorama VM in AWS. 




I'm having a terrible time trying to just simply 'clone' a security rule, and then edit it how desired, without running into issues.


First, using copy.deepcopy(security_rule) works perfectly...however adds a massive amount of run-time to my program.


Resolved! How to add new objects to a Panos_address_group

Hi Folks,


I see that "Panos_address_group" can help you to create groups with a list of "static_values"; however, how do you "add/modify" a new IP addresses to an existing group or how do you delete values from the static list?


I did try using "panos


Resolved! Palo Alto REST API - test security-policy-match


I have been trying using the command "test security-policy-match" with REST API. I do get a proper response, but i'm missing some valuable information.

From the CLI i get the following response:
admin@KAS-PaloAlto> test security-policy-match from


Panorama Splunk integration

Hello all.


Does anyone have experience with or can give guidance on integrating Splunk with Panorama to use Dynamic Address Objects in security policy? We are attempting to automate some threat response capability using Splunk and APIs. Searching of


Monitor Zone CPS assigned to sub interfaces

Hi Guys!


I noticed, that my zones which are assigned to L3 sub interfaces, are missing from the  PanZoneTable (. ) when walking through the OIDs. Zones assigned to plain L3 interfaces are perfectly fine. Is this intentiona


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