Prisma Access and Prisma SaaS

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Prisma Access (formerly GlobalProtect cloud service) and Prisma SaaS (formerly Aperture) are here and we have brought you all the details. See what's new, what's changed, and how these changes can help you secure the cloud. Engage with the LIVEcommunity to ask your question. Register today!

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Prisma Access

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Prisma Access (formerly GlobalProtect cloud service) helps your organization deliver consistent security to your remote networks and mobile users. It’s a generational step forward in cloud security, using a cloud-delivered architecture to connect all users to all applications.


All your users, whether at your headquarters, branch offices, or on the road, connect to Prisma Access to safely use cloud and data center applications as well as the internet. Prisma Access consistently inspects all traffic across all ports and provides bidirectional networking to enable branch-to-branch as well as branch-to-HQ traffic.


Prisma Access delivers protection at scale with global coverage, so you don’t have to worry about things like sizing and deploying hardware firewalls at your branches or building out and managing appliances in collocation facilities.


Prisma Access uses Cortex Data Lake for centralized analysis, reporting, and forensics.



Prisma AccessPrisma Access

Prisma Access Highlights

  • Protects your applications, remote networks, and mobile users in a consistent manner, wherever they are.
  • Provides networking and security to connect and protect access to all your applications.
  • Flexible and cloud-scalable to handle your changing requirements.

Check out all the details or request a demo :

Cloud Security: Prisma Access



Prisma SaaS

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Since software as a service is so easy, use of SaaS applications is exploding. Because of that simplicity, the security risks of SaaS are also on the rise.


By offering advanced data protection and consistency across applications, Prisma SaaS reins in the risks. It addresses your cloud access security broker needs and provides advanced capabilities in risk discovery, data loss prevention, compliance assurance, data governance, user behavior monitoring, and advanced threat prevention. Now you can maintain compliance while preventing data leaks and business disruption through a fully cloud-delivered CASB (Cloud Access Security Broker) deployment.


Prisma SaaS functions as a multimode CASB, protecting both access and usage of SaaS applications and preventing data leakage by minimizing the wide range of cloud risks that can cause breaches. With a fully cloud-delivered approach to a cloud access security broker, you can ensure SaaS applications are secure and threats and data leaks are prevented.



Prisma SaaSPrisma SaaS


Would you like to know more about SaaS security? Check out the educational SaaS podcast series.


Check out all the details: Cloud Security: Prisma SaaS

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