How to Disable IoT Feature

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This article is based on the discussion "Disable IoT Feature" by @DennyChanditya  and answered by @BPry. Read on to see the discussion and solution!


Is there any way to disable IoT Feature ? We don't have any IoT license or use it in our production.

Running a PA-3260 with PANOS 10.2.2-h2 and the problem is, we keep getting this log in our system log and we don't allow that connection in our system.




The actual URL that you're attempting to connect to is the App-ID Cloud Engine (ACE). It's not specific to IoT licenses. If you go to Device -> Setup -> ACE you'll find an option to 'Disable App-ID Cloud Engine' that you'll want to toggle if you don't want your firewall to reach out to that URL. 


That option only affects ACE, it won't have impact on anything else.

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‎11-30-2022 10:24 AM
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