Nominated Discussion: QoS Cleartext Match Issue

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This Nominated Discussion Article is based on the post "QoS cleartext match issue" by @raji_toor and responded to by LIVEcommunity Cyber Elite expert @reaper . Read on to see the discussion and solution!


We have setup similar to as below



I created/applied default QoS profiles on AE1 and AE5. However in order to be more granular I want to apply on individual subnets.

As in this example we want to use a separate QoS profile for subnet for traffic going to the internet. I have tried to add subnet under cleartext on both AE1 and AE5, with and without source interface of ae1.3, with/without destination interface of AE5.100, but the traffic still matches the regular traffic and not cleartext policy. How do I make this work,



QoS is applied on the ingress of a packet, so if you want to limit upload you need to add the profile on AE1, if you want to limit download you need to add the profile to AE5 (and if you want to control both you'll need a profile on both the interfaces)


This also means if you want to set up subnets in the cleartext section, you'll need to account for both directions: on AE3 you'll use source, on AE5 you need to set that as destination. On the download you are only able to set a destination interface, no subnet, so you'll need to ensure your QoS policy only triggers for that subnet and then apply a class (ie. thats not used for any other subnet so you don't limit download for other networks)


I hope that makes sense


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‎02-23-2023 06:03 AM
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