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Cannot Sync Running Config in HA active/passive

L4 Transporter

Hi All,


I have a PA3020 with 7.0.5-h2 PAN-os version.

I have tried different times to sync manually the running config on passive member without success.


I can clearly see from the Active Member's "ha_agent.log" these errors:


(active)> tail mp-log ha_agent.log
TLV[2]: type 11 (SYSD_PEER_DOWN); len 4; value:

2016-08-05 10:03:00.924 +0200 debug: ha_state_cfg_commit_fail(src/ha_state_cfg.c:682): Commit failure on peer device
2016-08-05 10:03:00.924 +0200 Error: ha_state_cfg_dosync_fail(src/ha_state_cfg.c:427): Group 1: Config sync start failed on local mgmt srvr
2016-08-05 10:03:00.924 +0200 debug: ha_sysd_dev_cfgsync_update(src/ha_sysd.c:1345): Set dev cfgsync to Out-of-Sync
2016-08-05 10:03:00.924 +0200 debug: ha_state_cfg_dosync_fail(src/ha_state_cfg.c:438): Group 1: setting reason to failure for config sync when we got a dosync failure
2016-08-05 10:03:00.924 +0200 debug: ha_state_cfg_sync_callback(src/ha_state_cfg.c:920): ha_state_cfg_sync_callback: retries: 4; insync: no
2016-08-05 10:03:00.924 +0200 Warning: ha_event_log(src/ha_event.c:47): HA Group 1: Running configuration not synchronized after retries



I have checked all settings for both cluster member and also App&threats etc.

Everything is matched.


I have already reboot the passive member, but unfortunately nothing is changed.


What should I do?



Best Regards


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