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Site to Site VPN IPSec issue between PA and Azure

L1 Bithead



I have some problem to configure a VPN between my Palo Alto and Azure.

I follow this tutorial :


So I have this configuration:

Tunnel Interface: It’s an IP in /32 include in the subnet of the Azure gateway (in /29)


Interface Tunnel.PNG



IKE Gateway: My firewall is behind NAT

 IKE Gateway General.PNG

IKE Gateway Advanced Options.PNG


 IKE Crypto Profile:


IKE Crypto Profile.PNG



IPsec Crypto Profile:


IPSec crypto profile.PNG



IPsec Tunnel:


IPSec Tunnel General.PNG



IPSec Tunnel Proxy ID.PNG



Static Route: Destination address is my server subnet


Route Static Srv.PNG



Status of the IPsec tunnels are red (so Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the negotiation don’t succeed):IPSec Tunnel Status.PNG


 To test and send data through the VPN, I try to connect in RDP to a VM in Azure. But my PC can’t access to the server.


The firewall can’t ping the public IP of Azure. With a traceroute, I can see that packets go on Internet.


This is system logs from the firewall with “vpn” as a filter:Log system VPN.PNG


 In traffic log, the application is “incomplete” with end session reason “aged-out”:


Log Traffic vers SRv.PNG


 Results with some commands in the CLI:

show vpn ike-sa gateway GW-IKE-Azure = “IKE gateway GW-IKE-Azure not found”

test vpn ike-sa gateway GW-IKE-Azure = “Initiate IKE SA: Total 1 gateways found. 1 ike sa found”

show session all filter application ike = “No Active Sessions”

debug ike pcap on

view-pcap no-dns-lookup yes no-port-lookup yes debug-pcap ikemgr.pcap =


debug ike pcap on.PNG



 The Azure configuration is:

The connection is configured as Site-to-Site connection

The address range is in /23 with 2 subnet: one in /24 (for VMs) and the second in /29 (for the subnet gateway).

I have a VM subnet with one server install.


Have you got any idea to solve the problem?

Thank you in advance for your help.






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