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User ID: Problems since updating PANOS and User ID Agent

L3 Networker

About a month ago, I upgraded PAN-OS on our main PA-3050 HA cluster from 7.0.8 to 7.1.8.  This also required an update of the User ID Agent I had installed on a Windows 2012 R2 server from a 6.0.x version to a 7.0.x version; I upgraded to version 7.0.7-13.


I've started to receive reports that some individuals are seeing the captive portal and a request for authentication when visiting websites on the Internet several times a day.  I actually experienced this myself for the first time today.  Other than the upgrades, no other User ID configuration changes have been made and my behavior using my work computer wasn't really any different than any other day.


I checked the PAN firewall connection to the User ID Agent and it was fine.  I also have the PAN firewalls configured to connect to domain controllers and Exchange servers at a remote site using the built-in Server Monitoring and all of those are reporting as Connected as well.


Is anyone one else having a similar issue or can anyone help me troubleshoot this issue?

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