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Custom data pattern

L2 Linker

Hi Team 


I have a user who has a requirement to add a custom Data Pattern to identify a specific string 


Example: 1234/09/4578 


(Note the second identifier is a numeric value between [1-9])


I set up the data pattern under " Custom Objects --->Data Pattern ---> Add " in the following format to achieve this  "(/d/d/d/d)/-(/d[1-9])/-(/d/d/d/d)" , but this fails with the following error messge 


test123 -> pattern -> numbers -> regex '(/d/d/d/d)/-(/d[1-9])/-(/d/d/d/d)' is invalid. can't handle two dfas next to each other in pattern '(/d/d/d/d)/-(/d[1-9])/-(/d/d/d/d)'
test123 -> pattern -> numbers -> regex is invalid


But it works without any issues when we put it as  "(/d/d/d/d)/-(/d/d)/-(/d/d/d/d)"


Is this an expected behavior?




Amogh Gawade 








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