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Hi @DanielKhouri


Here is a quick explanation on the backup types and when to use them.


Export named configuration snapshot —Export the current running configuration, a named candidate configuration snapshot, or a previously imported configuration (candidate or running). The firewall exports the configuration as an XML file with the Name you specify.


Export configuration version —Select a Version of the running configuration to export as an XML file. The firewall creates a version whenever you commit configuration changes. This is especially useful if you know exactly the date and time of your last known good configuration, so that you can restore it to the previous state.


Export device state —Export the firewall state information as a bundle. Besides the running configuration, the state information includes device group and template settings pushed from Panorama. If the firewall is a GlobalProtect portal, the information also includes certificate information, a list of satellites, and satellite authentication information. If you replace a firewall or portal, you can restore the exported information on the replacement by importing the state bundle.


Backup a Firewall Configuration


Manage Configuration Backups - Panorama


I hope this helps.



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