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Intra-Zone Source (dynamic) NAT

L0 Member
Guest network ( is in Outside zone & Internet link ( is also in same zone.
Guests need to browse internet (say

My question is about intra-zone source NAT/PAT!

Guest, who is the source of the traffic; requires translation to public IP address (say outside interface of the firewall).
Destination of the traffic is internet i.e. public IP address doesnt need any translation.

Such intra-zone source NAT/PAT is possible? If Yes, How?

Original packet:
Source Zone: Outside
Source Network: Guest network private IP address
Destination Zone: Outside
Destination Network: any
Application: web-browsing
service: http
protocol: tcp

Translated packet:
Source Zone: Outside
Source Network: Guest network public IP address / Firewall outside interface / public IP pool etc.
Destination Zone: Outside
Destination Network:any
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