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User-ID Agent - Failed to validate client certificate



I am running a v6.0 Palo virtual firewall and trying to connect to a user-id agent on a Windows 2k8r2 server. I am running version 8.0.4-5 of the UID agent.


I have configured as per all documentation however I am getting the following log messages popping up in the agent software:


Failed to validate client certificate, thread : 1, 1-0!


If I check the logs on the firewall itself I have following log messages popping up every 5 seconds:


pan_ssl_conn_open(pan_ssl_utils.c:464): Error: Failed to Connect to, SSL error: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)(5)


I am truly at my wits end, cannot seem to find anything useful about this online and not sure how to troubleshoot this.


Does anyone have any suggestions?



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