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EDL - Talos block list

L1 Bithead

I have various EDLs setup on various different PA models. Some work, and populate the list with IP's and effectively block in security policies. However,  for Cisco Talos block list, it just will not work:


It won't populate the list at all when I request to see the list I get:


vsys1/Cisco Talos IP Black List:
Next update at : Tue Sep 19 02:08:23 2017
Source :
Referenced : Yes
Valid : Yes

Auth Valid: Yes
Total invalid entries : 1
Valid ips:

No error


Service route is set, as other EDLs work fine. All I can think is that this Talos URL resolves to an Amazon AWS address. It still won't work if I tinyurl that AWS address, and add that as the EDL. 


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