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Halloween challenge: take your shot at winning a Live Community hoodie!

Cyber Elite
Cyber Elite

In the wake of the success we had at the Live Community booth at Ignite2017, I'd like to start a new tradition and what better time to have a little fun than Halloween?

So I'd like to challenge you guys and girls of the Live community to either flaunt your 1337 h4x0r skills at integrating into something odd/fun/weird, or just be quirky and try for the funniest picture/video/spoof

Every participant will get a unique Halloween Challenge badge to their user profile and there will be 2 limited edition Live Community hoodies I'll be able to give away for the best entry and the funniest entry.

Mosey on over to Trick or Treat! Reaper's Halloween challenge and show me what you got!


Tom Piens
PANgurus - Strata specialist; config reviews, policy optimization
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