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Multiple DHCP Scope’s on 1 interface

L2 Linker

I have a router with 2 VLAN’s. The router is connected to a PaloAlto and behind this PaloAlto I have a server witch serves DHCP. The VLAN interfaces on the router are configured with a helper address to the DHCP server.


We would like to remove all servers (and go fully cloud based). I decided I want the PaloAlto to serve the DHCP function. So: I should define the 2 DHCP scope’s of the routed VLANs to the interface connected to this router. However: It seems I’m restricted to only 1 IP scope per interface. Can I work around this issue?


Side note: I’m not able to attach the routed VLANs directly to the PaloAlto cause off its maximum MAC entries.

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