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IPSec VPN- Layer 2

L1 Bithead


i'm using this ressource to configure Site-to-Site IPSec VPN in Layer 2 with a PA-200.

Of course, it's not working this is why i'm here with a lot a questions.

edit: it's working now


1/ i'm assuming the left part of the diagram is considering as the client and the right part as the IPSEC server.

so in Network Profiles/IKE Gateways, L2side object, i checked "Enable NAT Traversal"

edit: it seem i didn't need this checked, so let take the default


2/ is there a public web site i can check to make sure the client router is VPN passthrought ?

There is no option in it to enable or disable this.


3/ on the client router, should i forward ports UDP/500 and UDP/4500 ?

I don't have option to forward ESP or AH.

edit: i didn't forward any ports


4/ i suppose devices on the client LAN must have a route to join pointing to

edit: correct


5/ i'm trying to ping but it's not working, either from L2trust or L2untrust.

When i'm connected to the PA-200 in SSH, i can ping it.

edit: I added a management profile with ping permitted on interface vlan.1 and now it's OK.


6/ let's talk about the rules i have to setup :

currently i have these :

From L2trust/Any to L2untrust/Any : ACCEPT

From L2untrust/Any to L2trust/Any : ACCEPT

From untrust/ to VPN/ : ACCEPT

From VPN/ to untrust/ : ACCEPT

No NAT rules.


7/ i don't understand the tunnel.1 IP address

What is it and how is it related to the IPSEC server ?

edit: there is an error in the document, i used


8/ my IPSEC server is a Fortigate.

It currently have another IPSEC tunnel which is working.

I made a static route for

I have rules to permit all.

On Fortigate, IPSec tunnel is down and on PA-200, L2sideipsec is in red state.

I can provide screenshots of Fortigate configuration, i tried main and aggressive configuration, IKE 1 and 2.

edit: i used aggressive mode

had to use Peer Identification on L2side


9/ when i do a "show network vlan test", i don't have l3-forwading enabled.

How could i do that from GUI or CLI ?

edit: didn't use this part


10/ it seems that these 2 zones : vlan and trust have no use so i deleted theses.


I'm currently still searching but could take any help and answer any question.


edit: usefull commands :


close tunnel :

clear vpn ike-sa gateway L2side
clear vpn ipsec-sa tunnel L2sideipsec


test phase 1 : test vpn ike-sa gateway L2side
test phase 2 : test vpn ipsec-sa tunnel L2sideipsec


in monitor/logs/system, make a filter for vpn errors : (subtype eq vpn)

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