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GP Error( 51): Driver is not installed, reinstall it now!

Unable to connect to a VPN server.

OS: Wondows 10 Pro


Error message:

(T11064) 02/26/18 07:18:22:506 Debug(1346): no flushdns key set
(T11064) 02/26/18 07:18:22:506 Debug(5067): DLSA, RestoreProxySetting now
(T11064) 02/26/18 07:18:22:506 Debug(5084): ProxyDisabledByMe is false or not present, leave RestoreProxySetting now
(T11064) 02/26/18 07:18:22:506 Error(  51): Driver is not installed, reinstall it now!

Who Me Too'd this topic