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Modify Authentication Profile via API

L0 Member

Hey everyone,


Does anyone know whether or not it is possible to adjust authentication profiles via the API?


Little backstory, I have been working on an API call to adjust the Server Profile for an Authentication Profile. I have tried to build it out of the API builder and the CLI but keep getting 'unauthorized request' for set/edit and error 7 indicating that the object cannot be found for get. My calls are as follows.


API Builder




https://panorama/api/?key=KEY=&type=config&action=get&xpath=/config/Panorama/authentication-profile/entry[@name=ACS-Radius]<method><RADIUS><server-profile>/[@name=ACS-radius-BCP]</server profile></RADIUS></method>


I swap set/get/edit out for the above commands but still recieve errors. I made sure I am a super user on the device but at this point I am hitting a roadblock on ideas and am starting to think this action may not be possible via the API..


Thank you in advance,



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