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Deduplication issue and config document regarding aggregator and output

L1 Bithead

Hi Experts,


I’m testing with Splunk but, I got a problem about deduplicate.

I’ve been input different 1000 indicators of IPv4 after deduplicate, there is 750 indicators of IPv4.

below one IP address has a different value but, after deduplicate, I can see only one indicator.

My expectation is that don’t deduplicate or there is multi value for this IP address.

How can I address the issue?


Below picture is from minemeld after deduplicate.





below is original indicator from Splunk. as you can see, has a different values. 





Also, I’ve searched configuration document for Prototype. I found miner configuration document but, I couldn’t find out prototype for aggregator and output.


Does anyone has a document for aggregator and output?

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