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SCP Import returns Server error : Failed to import logdb

When exporting logdb file using SCP  to different linux machines there would be no errors but when importing the same file we receive the error: Server error : Failed to import logdb, the files would list during importing but the error would appear near the end after a pause, and the original logs are all deleted from the firewall, the test is done on the passive only to avoid deleting the logs from the active too, I tried importing the same file on my testing lab where SCP is working fine but it gives the same error so I am suspecting that this issue results from exporting not importing, probably the file is not fully exported or it is corrupted, yet while importing the file names appear correctly, I tried on so many different linux machines, but still no success, PANOS is 8.0.8 and model is PA-5220.

Kindly advise any suggestions to fix this error and export and import logdb successfully?

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